
Samanoo is one of the seven items that is typically placed on the Sofreh Haftseen for Norouz. However, it can be made and eaten at any time. The sweetness is all natural and comes from the wheat, but some choose to add more sugar.

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250 grams of unpelted wheat โ€“the same that is used to grow sabzeh
1000 grams of wheat flour โ€” I used whole wheat
sugar (optional) โ€“for those who want a sweeter Samanoo
In other words you use four times more wheat flour compared to your wheat.



Making it takes a couple of days. Day 1 Wash the unpelted wheat and soak in a bowl with cold water. Day 2 Empty out the water in the bowl and add cold water once again. Day 3 Wet a paper towel and place it on the bottom of a dish (a dish you plan to have the sabzeh grow in). Use a strainer to empty the wheat and rinse the wheat. After you rinse the what add it to the dish with the wet paper towel on the bottom. Soak cotton cloths (or paper towels) and place on top of the wheat. Place this dish in a warm area. Note: you will notice that roots are beginning to appear. Day 4 โ€“ Day 6 Wet the cotton cloths at least twice a day until the wheat roots/sprouts have grown. When you begin to see some of the sprouts turning green thats when you know the wheat is ready to be used for the making of Samanoo. Note: it may be that you will need to grow your wheat a bit longer. Its important to keep an eye on the spouts and decide when they are ready. Day 7 On this day my wheat was ready to be used for making Samanoo. To begin you will break off amounts of the wheat (sprouts and roots included) and put it in a blender, add water, and puree/liquefy the wheat. Keep breaking off bits of the wheat and add to the blender with additional amounts of water. By the time all the wheat is blended the concentration will look like oatmeal or Halim. Empty the contents of the blender into a fine mesh strainer (the strainer should be placed over a bowl). Slowly turn the blended wheat around so that the liquid can seep through. Note: you dont want to push anything through the strainer besides the liquid. Then transfer the blended wheat into a cotton cloth. You will wrap up the sides of the cloth and begin squeezing any remaining liquid milk out into the bowl. Then empty the contents of the cloth back into the blender, add more water, and liquefy/puree a bit more. Then repeat the steps of using the strainer and then the cloth. You want to continue this process until the milky color is no longer visible. For the amount of wheat mentioned above (250 grams), I repeated the steps about six times. Then in a large pot add your wheat flour. Gradually begin pouring the liquid onto the flour and mix. You want to add enough of the liquid so that the flour has no lumps and is smooth. Turn the burner heat on to a medium temperature. Constantly stir the mixture. Since I used whole wheat the color darkened quicker. However, whole wheat does have a texture due to the Saboos (bran). Also, the sweetness usually comes from the unpelted wheat, but if you prefer your Samanoo to be very sweet you should add some sugar. You need to continue stirring until the water is completely evaporated. Once the water is evaporated the mixture will look something like Halva. You want to fry it for a couple of minutes (no need to add any oil since the wheat has natural oils). Then begin adding hot water gradually and stirring again so no lumps exist. You can place the lid onto the pot in a way which stream can still escape. You no longer need to continuously stir, instead you can stir every 10-15 minutes. Again you want to allow the water to evaporate and the Samanoo to thicken. Once the it is close to being ready you can even place a cloth or towel onto the lid and cover the pot for an additional 30 minutes to gather additional moisture. This process takes awhile, and for the amount of wheat and wheat flour I used it took approximately 5 hours from the time I began cooking the mixture for the Samanoo to prepare. After its ready you can pour it into a dish and allow it to cool before serving.
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It helps to have some extra people around to stir ๐Ÿ™‚ Edit
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