super easy
There are a few different variations of Masghati, which is a Persian sweet made basically from starch. This specific recipe is for Masghati borideh shodeh (cut up pieces).
Khoreshte Esfenaj (Spinach Stew)
This is a simple form of Khoreshte Esfenaj. Many people use Tareh (or green onions if no Tareh is available) and/or Aloo (prune) in the Khoresht as well (known as Khoreshte Aloo Es
Ghormeh Sabzi
This is a stew that goes with rice (polo) and is mainly made up of many green vegetables.
super easy
Aashe Reshteh
There are a few different techniques one can use to make Aash Reshteh, but I have chosen a combination of one or two methods to prepare this Persian recipe.
super easy
Tahchin-e Esfenaj
In general I am a huge fan of Tahchin. I decided to try Tahchin-e Esfenaj and see if the spinach version is just as tasty as the regular Tahchin that I typically make. Its definite
super easy
Oven Baked Salmon With Cream Sauce
I had been wanting to make Oven Baked Salmon with a cream sauce for a long time. I finally got around to it and thought this would be something nice to make for two…or you could