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I finally got around to making Koofteh Berenji, which is a very tasty Persian recipe that mixes ground beef, aromatic green vegetables, and rice!One thing to note is that some of t

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I recently bought some tiny shrimp and wanted to make Shrimp Rice (AKA Meigoo Polo). I took a combination of what Persian recipes there are for Meigoo Polo and made some adjustment

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This is a aash (soup) one of my friends recently made for a gathering. It is from the Kurdish regions of Iran, and is basically a local Kurdish soup called Dokhawa.The ingredient


There are a few different styles that are used to make rice. There is the style where you strain the rice after it cooks a bit and then allow it to cook more after it steams (or as

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I think as far as dami dishes go Dami-e Baghala is one of my favorites. I don’t know if its because of the turmeric flavor the rice gets, or the fact that the rice gets so soft.

This Persian recipe is apparently served the night before Norouz in many households. However, this was the first time I had ever heard of anything other than Sabzi Polo ba Mahi bei

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This is a dish that is somewhat similar to Tahchine Morgh, but yet it is different! πŸ™‚ I actually call it Shirazi Polo ghalebi because I make it in a round oven safe dish (Pyrex)