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This Persian recipe for Koofteh Rizeh (small meatballs) is a simple and fairly quick dish to make. It is typically served with bread, but if you are trying to cut back on your bre

This is the Persian recipe for Khoreshte Gheymeh, which is a stew that is poured over rice and has tiny cut up pieces of stew meat (gooshteh gheymehee) –hence the name of the ste

Here is one way of making Kotlet…believe it or not there are a few types and different ways to make Kotlet.

super easy

Many times Abgoosht is referred to as Dizi, but this has to do with the dish it is cooked in. For many of us we use pots, slow cookers, or even pressure cookers for convenience and

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This is a Afghan Dish that can be made in a few different ways. It is somewhat similar to a Persian recipe called Sambooseh (Sampooseh).

super easy

A simple Persian recipe for khorak that includes chicken and a few vegetables. This is the most common form of Khorak that I enjoy eating. Different varieties can also be made, and

super easy

Kookoo is basically a type of Persian Frittata and I finally decided to make Kookoo Sibzamini (potato); however it came out really thin cause I used a large frying pan and only 2 l