super easy

I finally got around to making Koofteh Berenji, which is a very tasty Persian recipe that mixes ground beef, aromatic green vegetables, and rice!One thing to note is that some of t

super easy

This is a aash (soup) one of my friends recently made for a gathering. It is from the Kurdish regions of Iran, and is basically a local Kurdish soup called Dokhawa.The ingredient

There are a few different techniques one can use to make Aash Reshteh, but I have chosen a combination of one or two methods to prepare this Persian recipe.

super easy

There are many different vegetables you can use to create Dolmeh’s. One of my favorites is Dolmeh Felfel (stuffed bell peppers)! I used green, red, and yellow bell peppers to mix


This is a simple Kookoo Sabzi recipe…there are a few different ingredients that can be added to vary the Kookoo Sabzi. Kookoo is considered a souffle and Kookoo Sabzi is a vegeta


Sabzi Polo ba Mahi is a rice with greens that is typically served with mahi (fish). Obviously everyone uses different types of fish, and depending on where you live you probably do