There are a few different styles that are used to make rice. There is the style where you strain the rice after it cooks a bit and then allow it to cook more after it steams (or as...

This dish is a lot like Adas Polo (in my opinion); however, a few steps in making it vary. Mung Beans (maash) take a little longer to cook and become soft, so keep that in mind whe...

super easy

I think as far as dami dishes go Dami-e Baghala is one of my favorites. I don’t know if its because of the turmeric flavor the rice gets, or the fact that the rice gets so soft. ...

super easy

This is a tasty Beet (Choghondar e Laboo) soup that also has pomegranate. The roots of the beet are also used in making this soup hence why some people refer to this soup as Beetro...

super easy

In general I am a huge fan of Tahchin. I decided to try Tahchin-e Esfenaj and see if the spinach version is just as tasty as the regular Tahchin that I typically make. Its definite...