Bean Soup

I decided to make a creamy bean soup! This specific soup is mainly made with white beans (navy beans to be more precise).  I used some saved chicken stock that had some tomato paste in it, which gave my soup a bit of a orange/red tint.

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approximately 4 cups chicken stock, water, or combination of the two –you may need to add more water
2 cups navy beans — soak in cold water for a few hours
3/4 cup kidney beans — soak in cold water for a few hours
4 tablespoons chopped onions
parsley (desired amount)–dry or fresh
2-3 tablespoons white flour
1/2 cup whipping cream (optional) — adds to the creaminess of the soup
1 tablespoon oil



Boil the navy beans (after soaking in water for a few hours) in a pot. Once the beans have cooked and are tender drain out the water. Pour half of the beans in a blender and puree. In a large pot add one tablespoon oil and saute the onions a bit. Add the beans (pureed navy beans, not pureed navy beans, and the kidney beans). Note: the kidney beans were not cooked like the navy beans were, but if you like you may boil the kidney beans for a bit until they are tender as well. Mix all the ingredients and add the chicken stock and/or water.
Add the flour and whipped cream and stir the soup. Add parsley, salt, and pepper and any other spices for taste. Obviously there are many other things you can add to the soup or different beans you can use as well. If you want a bit of a tomato flavor, or even a bit of color added to the soup you can add some tomato paste. Allow the soup to cook until it is thickened (approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour on medium stove top heat).
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